The final book of Neil Perry Gordon’s Goldfield Trilogy begins in the autumn of 1901, when Percy Hope ventures off to New York City’s Lower East Side in search of his six-month-old son, Walter, and Walter’s mother, the fugitive Peggy Greenburg.
Along the way, Percy stumbles upon an intriguing journal left behind by the late Magnus Vega, who tragically drowned a year earlier in the Bering Sea. Magnus’s detailed account chronicles his voyage into Alaska’s unforgiving winter wilderness and includes a cryptic map that sends Percy and his best friend, Liam, on a whirlwind quest to track down a lost fortune of gold, outmaneuver notorious gangsters, and uncover the metaphysical mystery behind what happened to Magnus within the glorious ice caverns under North America’s tallest mountain peak, Denali.
Denali is the conclusion of the Alaskan adventures of Percy Hope and the colorful cast of characters he encounters. Throughout this trilogy, he abides by the timeless advice of his mentor and fellow author Jack London, who once proclaimed, “You can’t wait for inspiration, Percy. You must go after it with a club.”
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